Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1
Which one is for you?
Galaxy tab 2 is a tablet spcial for those peoples hwo like to send mails and chat with your friend, because the prossesor of these tablet isn´t powerfool, because of the 1Ghz (Gigahertz) dual core procesor and the dual core grafic card integred on the pressesor, allso these tablet has 1 Gb of RAM special for all the uses that you can give to the table. Android 4.0 gives to the tab 2 a powerfool performanse and the 10.1 inch screen with the resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels.
At the other side you can find the Galaxy Note, with a cuadcoreprossesor of 1.4 Ghz (Gigahertz) and a cuadcore grafic card special for gaming and multitasking, allso it has 2 Gb of RAM special for multitasking and gaming. The S Pen technology from the first galaxy note smartphone is present on these tablet. These screen haves the same screen resolution and the same OS of the tab 2 10.1, these tablet is one of the most powerfool tablets on the market.